Dragon fruit juice 🥤. HEALTH BENIFITS OF DRAGON FRUIT Dragon fruits have surprising number of PHYTONUTRIENTS. Rich in ANTIOXIDANTS, They contains Vitamin C Polyunsaturated fatty acids and, several B vitamins for carbohydrate metabolism, as well as carotene and protein Calcium is. Dragon fruit is known for its unique look and popular among foodies and the health-conscious for its wide range of benefits.
Dragon fruit is an exotic and delicious fruit, also considered a tropical superfood, because of its wealth of benefits.
It is also known as pitaya or pitahaya, and some call it a strawberry pear.
Try adding dried dragon fruit powder to your daily juices and watch your skin become radiant.
Kamu dapat harus Dragon fruit juice 🥤 menggunakan 3 bahan dan 1
Langkah. Inilah cara kamu mencapai itu .
Bahan-Bahan Dragon fruit juice 🥤
- Siapkan 1 buah , naga merah (kurleb 400gr).
- Siapkan 3 sdm , susu bubuk full cream.
- Siapkan 300 ml , air.
Discovering Dragon Fruit Botanical name: Hylocereus undatus. The pitaya is one of nature's most unique plants, with a flower like an explosion of Dragon fruit looks like a soft pineapple with spikes, and can have either pink, red or yellow skin and white or red flesh. Cut the fruit until the pieces are the correct size for your juicer's chute. Simple juice with red dragon fruit also known as pitaya fruit.
Cara pembuatan Dragon fruit juice 🥤
- Masukan daging buah naga, susu, dan air kedalam teko blender, haluskan hingga menghasilkan tekstur buah yang diinginkan 💕 tuang jus dalam tumbler tutup rapat simpan di dalam lemari es, saat sudah dingin jus buah naga siap di minum (krn ini uk buka puasa jadi nunggu maghrib yaaa 😂).
I am very choosy when it comes to trying out new things. Right from food to these fruits. It performs as a colon cleanser that detoxifies our body system. Shamrock Fruit Juice GummiesA Few Short Cuts. honey, gelatin powder, fruit juice. Easy Fruit Juice GelatinOur Small Hours.